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Start & Dismissal Time

John Warner Middle School Start and Dismissal Times

Doors Open Class Starts Classes Dismiss
7:00 AM 7:25 AM

2:35 PM

Student Pick Up Map
Student Pick Up Map

Instructions for Drivers in the Morning

  1. Parents will pull up along sidewalk
  2. Students will walk the sidewalk and in main doors (green arrows)
  3. Staff member will be directing traffic to avoid a bottle neck.
  4. Carefully exit lot

Instructions for Drivers in the Afternoon

  1. Parents can pull up all the way until the cone on the sidewalk to sit and wait prior to school’s release (2 lanes for PM)  
  2. Once your car is loaded, check for students  and follow directions of staff directing traffic
  3. Exit  Lot carefully watching for students walking  

*If you are in need of a handicap spot, our traffic director will be able to move the cones for you to leave