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Media Center

Welcome to the John Warner Media Center

We aim to establish an imaginative and inventive environment catering to all types of learners. Our doors are open every day from 7:30 AM to 2:50 PM. Within these hours, we are delighted to assist you with your technological requirements and provide recommendations on captivating books for borrowing and discussion. Feel free to drop by – everyone is welcome!

Search for a Book using the CPS Destiny Catalog 


  • Keep the Power Going throughout your Day
    • Double click on the home button and swipe out of everything you are not using.  This should help.
    • Also, turn it off holding the top power button every few days or at the end of each week.
    • Zoom takes a lot of power!  
  • Keep your iPad Clean
    • You can use a microfiber cloth or a Clorox wipe to clean your screen.
  • Make Sure your iPad is Up to Date
    • It should be on iOS 13.6.1 or 13.7.  We will release iOS 14 in the next few weeks.

Contact Information


Media Specialist